享受幽默, 但是不被幽默跘倒.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


有位小孩問媽媽: "媽咪, 媽咪, 我們人是怎麼來的?"
媽媽說: "寶貝, 很久很久以前, 神造了亞當和夏娃, 他們生孩子, 他們的孩子又生孩子, 這樣子一直下來, 就有了我們." 幾天後, 小孩問爸爸同樣的問題.
爸爸說: "人是很久很久以前, 從猴子慢慢的一點一點的變來的." 小孩被搞糊塗了,
又去問媽媽: "媽咪, 媽咪, 為什麼媽咪說人是神造的, 爸爸說人是猴子變的?"
媽媽說: "寶貝, 媽咪說的是媽咪家的人, 爸爸說的是爸爸家的人."

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Shall We Gather At The River

A very experienced preacher concluded his sermon by saying: "... If I were asked to drink all the best scotch, whiskey, and wine in this world, I would throw them in the river!" Immediately, the choir master stood up and said: "For our closing song today, let's sing SHALL WE GATHER AT THE RIVER."